All of you know how much i love Harry Potter, right? Well if you don't, now you know. I happen to be going through my pictures yesterday and I came across this photo. It reminded me of the part in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone and Hermione is showing Ron how to do the Spell "Lengardium Leviosa" and she is telling him to Swish and Flick.
OK do me favor because i know you are saying in your head that i am crazy, if you have the movie go and watch that part you will know what i mean. Its pretty cute and it looks like Russell is doing the Swish and flick movement that Hermione does, he is even holding it the same way.
*reminder* I told you i love it.

Jessica, you are hilarious! But, I totally see where you are coming from. I too am a Harry Potter fan!
haaaa!! you're killin me jess!!! I have absolutely no clue what image you are talking about, but that face of his is just to die for. Your Thanksgiving looked absolutely DREAMMMY.
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