there are a lot of pictures,probably to many ,i just couldn't decide. Sorry:)
We had a really fun and exciting weekend. I started out Thanksgiving weekend running the Turkey Trot and ran it in 54.12 minutes. Then went straight home to make a pie, green bean casserole, take a shower, get the kids ready all in an hour and a half (I was only a half hour late, i am patting myself on the back as we speak just remebering it). It kind of sounds like a Triathlon, and the events are running, baking, bathing(I know, i am adork).
So anyways back to thanksgiving. We went to Great Grandpa Carlings and had tons of wonderful food. Grandpa Carling (cj's dad) was giving tractor rides,and as you can see Russell was enjoying every minute of his ride. I don't know why But I think its the cutest thing when they cry. Am I the only one who thinks that?

Harvey was riding the little Tractor, at one point i saw him dragging Varis around on it.(where is my camera when that was taking place, I don't know.)

Russell was happy after he got off the ride, and chose to explore on is own the rest of the day.
Friday we Drove up with the McClure's to the Carling cabin to go sledding and cut down a Christmas tree. This picture pretty much explains the entire drive, except Russell needs to be crying. Russell pretty much cried the whole time. It was really sad.

Saturday we were taking the kids sledding, as we were waiting for the guys to come home so we could go. I took a few pics (ok alot of pics). There isn't much to do when you are waiting so why not pull out the camera and take a few pictures.

Parker loved his snowball. at one point he was pulling it in the sled.
If you look closely you can see Parker's snowball in the sled.
The boys came home and we went Sledding!
I kind of forgot the boys snow boots at home so we weren't very prepared, but we made do. the boys just didn't last long.They got cold really fast. But as you can see they still enjoyed it.

That night the kids were glued to the t.v. watching Toy Story 3. We also made smores over the fire place. It was really fun.

On Sunday we went out into the forest to find the perfect Christmas tree. It started out with just a light snow, then it turned into a blizzard. It was pretty cool, scary, but pretty cool. I don't think it would of been scary if our tires weren't balled and we were tying to drive in snow on a narrow rode. But us Carling's Like to live on the edge.
Cj was a good sport and let me be a little choosy when he was thinking:
" Jess you probably should just pick one because i really don't want to get stuck up here on this mountain with this blizzard that is getting worse be the second!
But I finally found one and Cj cut it down. You cant see how bad the snow is, but it is pretty bad.
This is how bad the snow was. You cant really see our tree on top of the car.
When we went back to the cabin I was able to get Cj to take a quick family picture between packing, cleaning and winterizing the cabin.
Overall it was a blast! I cant wait to do it again next year. But i am going to get all new tires first.
(I look like lumber jack in my plad)
I LOVE all your new pictures. Your boys are so dang cute Jes!
Send me your email and I will add ya:)
Great pictures Jess!
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