Friday, September 21, 2007

I love the things my boys bring home from school.

I love the boys being in school. because they come home with the cutest things. Yesterday Parker came home with his hand prints and a cute little poem to go with it.

Then today Jp came home with his "Pet Rock" When he got in the car I asked him what it was and he said "its my pet Rock" I told him that it was really cool. then he told me that all his friends were laughing at it. I asked them what the other kids looked like and he said they looked like Squares. I saw a couple Jps is the cutes.


Juliette said...

Those school projects are adorable, and it is nice to know that you appreciate their artwork! Ok- your blog is so dang cute and fun to read. Your boys are so big! Adam say's hi, and we are in Flagstaff because Adam is going to physical therapy school at NAU. So far it has been pretty nice. Yes, when you come up for the polar express let me know!!

Caryn said...

So cute, my kid doesnt bring anything home but paintings that smell like tempur paint, the really stinky kind... Oh well, here's to hoping Kindergarten will bring better stuff! Cute hand pciture for sure!

Katie Peterson said...

I love the little rock! Does he still have it?? That is too cute...I love how little kids just treasure the most ordinary things like rocks. So we can get together any Wed or Friday, what about you?