1. Cop Sirens
2. And sometimes paired with a High speed chase right outside my front door
(i am just thankful the boys were at school when that chase was going on).
It really did happen on the 2Nd week we were hear. It was very exciting
3. Spanish music blaring out of the cars that drive by
Parker: "Uh I really hate that music" every time a car drives by. Its pretty funny.
4.Spanish preacher, preaching at the local super market. ( could here it from my house and the supermarket is 4 or 5 blocks away, he was screaming!!!)
5.During the Christmas season you could hear the performances going on at the Temple from my house, It was really cool and peace full.
6. And last but not least is the bike horn (below)

They ride around all hours of the day through our neighborhood making that Honking noise. They sale Ice cream and who knows what else, maybe Tamales I have never stopped one to see. The boys have tried, They always get them to turn around come towards them, probably getting them excited for a sale, when I walk out shaking my head no. Their face falls and they turn probably cursing the boys all the way to their next target.
That Honking has been ingrained into my head and will always remind me of olive lane, when eventually we move on from this part of our lives.
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