I am going to start a new segment on the Carling Blog that is called,
LIFE ON OLIVE LANE or something close to that.
About a few months ago we moved over to Olive lane and it has been very exciting, their is always something going on like High speed chases with a cop, drug busts with the Swat team and undercover cops and their dogs. Yeah it was pretty legit, Some guy preaching about many gods in Spanish at the local grocery store and i could hear it all the way to my house. Then the most resent was on Halloween, its not that big of a deal but I thought it was pretty funny. We would get the usual trick or treaters, you know kids under 10 all dressed really cute in their costumes. Then we would get their parents too.. they would claim that its for their kids at home already in bed, As they are saying this i am thinking, well OK, my kid that is in bed this early is 1years old and only has a total of four teeth but more power to you!
So from now on i am going to post exciting things that happen around hear so you can enjoy them with me, and help me count the days till we move to a safer part of the neighborhood.
On the upside i really do like living this close to the Temple and I really like the ward. And their are some really cool kids for the boys to hang out with. So it not all that terrible, Dont worry Mom! I just thought it would be fun to post about the things that are going on around hear.
Here are some pics from Halloween
(don't ask me about J.P.s hair in the first, I would like to say he did it but I am pretty sure I combed it)

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