I don't know if you know this but I am obsessed with http://www.pioneerwomen.com/. I love how she was a city girl turned rancher wife. I love how she is raising her kids on a ranch. I love how her kids are hard working. She is always posting about how her kids were up early to go bring in the cattle. Don't we all wish we could raise hard working, respectable, independent, and in my case very gentlemanly(that might not be a word) kids? I d0!!!
In our society are kids are getting off pretty easy, All they ever want to do is play video games, at least that is what my kids want to do. I know my kids when i ask them to do one thing they start to grumble and complain that life isn't fair and i usually have to resort to some type of bribe. But that is all going to change, I have decided that i am not going to just think about raising hard working, respectable, independent, gentlemanly boys, I am going to do it. So here are some of my ideas.
1. They do chores everyday. I have them do one room and they can choose. They don't get an option they have to do it. I say that because they use to complain and i would tell them OK fine don't do it, i wont pay you. My boys would say O.k I don't want any money I don't care. so it always back fired on me. So know i just say its not an option you will do it and you will get paid. (They don't complain anymore they just do it.)
2. Saturday work! and I don't mean stuff around the inside of the house. because honestly i like to clean my house once a week myself so i know that it is clean from top to bottom. I mean outside work. Mow the lawn, pick weeds, etc. Example Someday I want to have a big yard and have chickens and a garden and the boys will take care of the chickens. clean the coupe and gather the eggs, and whatever is left they can sale and make some extra cash. They would pick the weeds and gather all the food from the garden.
I don't have that know and not everyone does in the city, But i do know a few people that do so i even thought about going over their and seeing if their was anything the boys could help out with, and i would pay them(my boys). It would also teach them how to do service at the same time has hard work.
3. Introducing them to new things. The boys and I every other Saturday go over to Lowe's, they have this clinic called BUILD AND GROW. My boys love it and look forward to it every Saturday. This past Saturday they built a periscope. when they are finished and turn in their equipment they show it to the lady and they give them a patch. It teaches them a new skill and they also get a sense of accomplishment from finishing their project and then being able to play with something that they built. (and not playing on the video games. They have built so far a bug catcher,car, firetruck, dog leash holder, and a bat I think their others but cant remember.

Now where does Pioneer Women fit into this, she doesn't really , i just really like her blog and she motivates me.
Thats so cool Jess! and it gets ME really excited about doing stuff like that when I'm lucky enough to have a bunch of cute kids like you and C.J. :)
You just inspired me!! Your AWESOME!!!
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