Monday, October 4, 2010

Rainy days with boys!

The boys couldn't wait to get wet and dirty. Right outside our house their was a huge puddle that the boys were riding through. They did that for awhile and then we went and found more puddles around the neighborhood. They thought it was so cool. I felt like such a cool mom.


Rhonda said...

You are a cool mom!

O'Loughlin Family said...

Love to see you back in the blogging world! I'll be checkin' in :)

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

Okay I can only imagine the fun your boys had out in that rain!! okay- you stand out in all of the reunion are such a doll jess!! ps- for reals, nxt week bring your boys out here to play.

Emily Widdison said...

way coooool! My kids love puddles too!

Lisa said...

K Crazy Lady...where the heck were you running when I saw you today! How far did you go?? You Rock!