Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Our Weekend was filled with exciting moments. We should of, would of love to go to California or go up north and enjoyed the cool weather but we......

almost went to urgent care for Parker when he was jumping his ramp an landed on his chin. (but to my great relief,Parker knows how to fall gracefully)

Cj did get to run up and hunt for a day! But unfortunately didn't come home with anything. Russell was very excited to see dad. He is turning out to be a daddy's boy.

The boys and I had an exciting trip to Sam's club. I don't know about you, but my second favorite thing to shop for is food. (first is clothes, Obviously!)

On Labor Day Jamie(my sister-in-law) got everyone together and we had a Barbecue and went swimming. Russell just got dunked by Parker (on accident).

The boys had fun jumping off the Rocks!



Kim & Max Willis family said...

your boys are so freaking cute!!!! im so glad your blogging again:)

Rhonda said...

Yikes! Glad he didn't get really hurt.
Seriously, your boys are soooo cute!

Lisa said...

OK...really...that giant camping chair picture is AWESOME, and YOU are also awesome for taking all 4 boys to Sams Club with you!