Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ok so I have been meaning to read the book twilight, because every raves about how good they are. So I barrowed the book two sundays ago and I havent been able to put it down since. I cant believe i am going to admit this but I have read all three of them twice in the past week and a half and might start it again. I know I am totally obsessed. I cant wait till the 4th book come out. and the movie. I feel another midnight showing. so if you havent meet Edward yet I definately recomend. I hope this video works. If you are anything like me you have seen this video a thousand times. but it is the only one i could find that would let me down load it.


Brooke and Brett Martin said...

YEAH!!! YOU'RE BACK!!! Looks like I missed out on a fun CA trip- maybe next year?? So if I understood you correct- you have read 3 of those books 2 TIMES IN THE LAST 10 DAYS???? is that possible??? I am dying. I'm having flashbacks of our obsession when HSM2 came out! hahaha. You're not going to believe me but I have yet to read TWILIGHT! Well hope all is well with you girl. It's been too long. Also- i can't believe how big Harvey is getting.

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE HILARIOUS. i KNEW AFTER TALKING TO YOU TODAY AT CHURCH i'D FIND SOMETHING like this on your blog....ok, ok, I'm going to read the first book.

Sarah Hawkins said...

Those books are awesome, I love them, can't wait until August 2nd when Breaking Dawn comes out. Go get her new book called The Host to hold you over until then!

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Katie Peterson said...

So did you wake up at midnight to purchase the next book? I read the first two & haven't read the third one yet...I can't believe you read them that many times in a matter of must be a speed reader!

AshandNate said...

It was so much fun seeing at the Breaking Dawn Premiere, I swear I was so excited when I got my book at midnight that I stayed up until 6:30 reading. How late did you stay up? Have you finished it yet. I finished it today and I am dying to chat with someone about it.
I can't believe you read them all twice...that's are my new Twilight Idol...grin.

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

Did you give up on blogging? How does JP like FRanklin?