Monday, September 3, 2007

My Baby is 1 !!!!! Happy Birthday

The Many Reasons why Harvey is so Special !!!
1. He was 8pounds 1 ounce when he was born. He was so beautiful. (But we all think our babies our beautiful.) I had thought the doctor said it wrong, so i asked him twice. He is my biggest baby and still is.
2. He was Born on September 3, 2006. He came a day early. I actually wanted him to come a week late because we weren't in our house yet. So for 2 weeks him and I slept on the couch. Maby that was why he was so hard. He also had trouble Nursing and tore me apart. It was a rough start. But we made it through.

3.He was a hard baby, but now is an Angel. They always say "hard babies easy toddlers." Come to find out know he was probably just very hungry, because he would cry all the time.

4. He loves to eat. I cant keep the Boy full, And he will eat anything you put in front of him. I don't think Heavenly Father gave him an on /off switch.

5. He is always happy !!!! Every time i go in to get him from his crib from a nap or first thing in the morning, He gets so happy and jumps up and down and ends up falling over, its so cute.

6. He will go anywhere with me and is such a trooper.

7. He is wonderful at taking naps, and loves them.

8. He loves to follow his brothers around and does it all day long. You can just tell what he is thinking when he watches them. "Sure wish I could do that!"

9.He also loves to take baths with them it is so cute.

10. His blonde hair. It looks like I Highlight it with golden blonde streaks. It is pretty cool.
11. I love his chubby legs and cheeks. I know some people might not think he is that chubby, those of you that have seem him in person but again he is my biggest for me.



Adell said...

Happy Birthday Harvey! I love you! he is getting so big. i miss him, i really need to get a flight and come down soon!

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

CUTE HARVEY!!!! HE IS SO SWEET! HAPPY B-DAY HARVEY!!! oh you sure are right...he is ALWAYS happy!! did you guys do anything fun?
yes- let's for sure get together this week. very funny- you're going to die. but TOMORROW i have that TLC on-camera interview. i'm DYING laughing! i still can't believe they called me last week. that was CRAZZZZY!

Lisa said...

That picture of him is so stinking cute! He is such an adorable little guy. Happy Birthday Harv!

Chris and Christy said...

that was really cute Jess! the training program I've been using is the Hal Higdon Novice Half Marathon. It's the same one Adell was using, so you could ask her if she liked it. I thought it trained me well for my half marathons but I think I want to try something if I find anything better, I'll let you know! Disney Half Marathon was sooo much fun. Lots of people. Almost too much. But it was still a blast!

thewylerfamily said...

Happy birthday Harvey! All of your kids have the most beautiful eyes. Hey, does you husband do tile also? We are wanting to get a couple of bids. Let me know.Thanks

Caryn said...

I totally remember talking to you when i was at the carwash about you having a hard time nursing, bless your heart, that stunk! I can't believe how old our babies are!

Aubree said...

Harvey is so freakin cute!! I hope someday we can see what your girls will look like!

Sarah Hawkins said...

Your kids are adorable! I ran into Brian (Megans brother) the other day. He says Megan's Fiance is awesome, he really likes him. I am so so excited and happy for her, tell her HI and Congrats for me please! We should get our kids together, Brady would love your boys!